
サマースクール / Summer School 









2024年のサマースクールは、通常対面サマースクールとオンライン サマースクールを予定しています。



第1週 7月  1日(月)~ 7月  5日(金)*7月4日(木)はお休み
第2週 7月  8日(月)~ 7月12日(金)
第3週 7月15日(月)~ 7月19日(金)
第4週 7月22日(月)~ 7月26日(金)











実施時間:15:30 - 16:30 または15:30 - 17:30


  • プログラムは、参加者が生活に必要な日常会話を日本語でできることを前提として作成されています。ご質問のある方はご相談ください。
  • 参加児童が集団活動に支障をきたす場合は、何らかの対応をとらせていただくことがあります。ご了承ください。
  • 幼児クラスの参加児童はトイレトレーニングの完了が必須です。
  • 幼児・小学クラス参加児童は、おやつとお弁当を自宅から持参してください。
  • 参加者はHealth Examination Form を学校へ提出してください。
  • 追加で参加を希望する場合は、追加する前週の水曜日までにお知らせください。 
  • 幼児・小学生クラスの参加者は本校指定のTシャツをスクール期間中着用します。学校より参加児童全員に1枚進呈します。それ以上必要な場合は、申込み時にオンライン上で希望枚数を入力して購入してください。価格は1枚$15です。
  • スクール期間中、参加者に何らかの医療行為が必要であると思われる場合には、最寄りの病院などで応急処置をとります。費用については、最初に保護者の保険が適用され、その保険が適用されない残額は学校の保険が負担します。



第2週以降 $700/週





15:30 - 16:30  $100 / 週
15:30 - 17:30  $200 / 週





  • 申込みフォームが正しく提出されると学校から参加費の請求書が送付されます。その指示に従って参加費を納めてください。
  • 5月11日(土)までにキャンセルする場合、参加費の50%を返金します。
  • 6月  8日(土)までにキャンセルする場合、参加費の30%を返金します。
  • 6月  9日(日)以降に申込みをキャンセルする場合、返金はありません。


  • 申込みは一週間ごとです。
  • 申込み締め切り日は6月8日(土)ですが、締切日以降も参加可能な場合があります。詳しくは本校へお問い合わせください。
  • 締め切り日前でも定員になり次第、申込みを締め切ります。



オンライン サマースクール



実施時間:1コマ目(月曜~金曜)   9:00 ~    9:50
     2コマ目(月曜~金曜) 10:00 ~  10:50
     3コマ目(月曜~金曜) 11:00 ~  11:50



  • オンラインサマースクールはZoomを通じて実施します。事前に使用するデバイスへのZoomのインストールと安定したインターネット回線の確保をしてください。使用デバイスは画面の大きいものをおすすめします。
  • 参加児童がオンラインでの学習に支障をきたす場合は、何らかの対応をとらせていただくことがあります。ご了承ください。


     $60 / 回


  • 申込みフォームが正しく提出されると学校から参加費の請求書が送付されます。その指示に従って参加費を納めてください。
  • 申込みは1回ごとですが参加合計回数分の費用を納めてください。
  • 5月11日(土)までにキャンセルする場合、参加費の50%を返金します。
  • 6月  8日(土)までにキャンセルする場合、参加費の30%を返金します。
  • 6月  9日(日)以降に申込みをキャンセルする場合、返金はありません。


  • 申込みにあたってオンライン上に参加者の顔写真をアップロードしてください。
  • 申込み締め切り日は6月8日(土)ですが、締切日以降も参加可能な場合があります。詳しくは本校へお問い合わせください。
  • 締め切り日前でも定員になり次第、申込みを締め切ります。


A Fun and Fulfilling Summer Immersed in a Japanese Language Environment!

Every summer, we offer a month-long summer school program for Preschool (ages 3-5) and elementary school students focused on improving Japanese language skills.

The program consists of a variety of activities in which children participate in a variety of activities in a Japanese-speaking environment, including rhythm play, crafts, cooking, movies, reading, and physical activities in the school gymnasium. In addition to our faculty, we invite professional instructors from external organizations to lead specialized activities such as karate, ballet, calligraphy, and more. In addition, elementary school students and 4 and 5yr-old children attend field trips via charter bus once a week.

Over the years, the Lyceum Kennedy Japanese School has earned the trust of parents for the care and guidance it provides. We have a constant communication system among the teachers and staff, and we always keep a close eye on each student's condition and behavior, and we take action according to the situation based on the exchange of information and common understanding. This flexible guidance system, which is provided by experienced and knowledgeable teachers, will help your child reach his or her potential, develop interest in new things, and facilitating growth.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Lyceum Kennedy Japanese School for an enjoyable and meaningful summer experience.

The summer school for 2024 will consist of a regular face-to-face summer school and an online summer school.

Schedule: (4 weeks in total)

Week 1: July 1 (Monday) - July 5 (Friday) *Close on July 4 (Thursday)

Week 2: July 8 (Monday) - July 12 (Friday)

Week 3: July 15 (Monday) - July 19 (Friday)

Week 4: July 22 (Monday) - July 26 (Friday)


In-Person Summer School:

Preschool Class

Age: children born between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2020

Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Activities: Crafts, Cooking, Water play, Karate, Field trip (for 4- and 5-year-olds only), etc.

*Class formation will be flexible depending on the number of participants.


Elementary School Class

Age: Children born between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2018

Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Activities: Reading aloud, Essay, Science Experiments, Writing Diary, Cooking, Music/Physical Education, Field Trips

*This is a joint class for different grades


Mommy & Me Class

Age: Children born in 2021.

Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) 

Activities: Crafts, Dance, Cooking, Gym Play, Water Play, etc.


Notes on Participation

  • The program is designed based on the assumption that participants are able to carry out daily conversation necessary for daily life in Japanese. Please contact the school if you have any questions.

  • If a participating child is disturbed by group activities, we may take some measures to deal with the situation. Please understand.

  • Students in the preschool class should have completed toilet training.

  • Students in the preschool and elementary classes are required to bring a snack and lunch from home.

  • Students must submit a Health Examination Form to the school.

  • If you wish to add an additional week to participate, please let us know by Wednesday of the week prior to the week you wish to add the additional week. 

  • Participants in the preschool and elementary classes will wear the school's T-shirts during the programs. The school will provide one T-shirt to each participating child. If you need more than one T-shirt, please enter the number of T-shirts you would like to purchase on the application form. The price is $15 per shirt.

  • If a participant is deemed to require any medical attention during the programs, first aid will be provided at the nearest hospital. The cost will be covered by the parent's insurance first, and the school's insurance will cover the remainder of the cost not covered by the parent's insurance.


Fees and Payment

Preschool / Elementary School Classes

Week 1: $560  (4 days except July 4th)

Week 2 - 4: $700/week

Mommy & Me Class


  • If your application form was submitted properly, you will receive an invoice shortly. please follow the instructions to remit your payment.

  • If you cancel by Saturday, May 11, 50% of the fee will be refunded.

  • If you cancel by Saturday, June 8, 30% of the fee will be refunded.

  • If you cancel your application after Saturday, June 8, no refund will be given.

How to apply


Fill out the application form here

- The deadline for application is Saturday, June 8, but some participants may still be able to participate even after the deadline. Please contact the school for details.

- Applications will be closed as soon as the number of participants reaches the maximum limit, even before the deadline.


Online Summer School

Age: Elementary school students

Activities: Individualized instruction in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to participants' level and needs.


Class hours: Session 1 (Monday - Friday) 9:00 - 9:50

     Session 2 (Monday - Friday) 10:00 - 10:50

     Session 3 (Monday - Friday) 11:00 - 11:50

  • It is possible to participate in two consecutive classes or more than two classes in a week.

  • You may be asked to adjust your schedules.

  • Please contact school if you prefer the different time slot other than the above.    

*Elementary and middle school teachers from our Saturday program will teach.

Notes on Participation

  • The online summer school will be conducted via Zoom. Please install Zoom on the device to be used and ensure a stable Internet connection in advance. We recommend that you use a device with a large screen.

  • If a participating child has difficulty learning online, we may take some measures. Please understand that we may take some measures.

Fees and Payment

$60/a session

  • If your application form was submitted properly, you will receive an invoice shortly. please follow the instructions to remit your payment.

  • Applications are accepted on a per-session basis, but fees must be paid for the total number session.

  • If you cancel by Saturday, May 11, 50% of the fee will be refunded.

  • If you cancel by Saturday, June 8, 30% of the fee will be refunded.

  • If you cancel your application after Saturday, June 8, no refund will be given.

How to apply


Fill out the application form here

- Please upload a photo of the participant online when applying.

- The deadline for application is Saturday, June 8, but some participants may still be able to participate even after the deadline. Please contact the school for details.

- Applications will be closed as soon as the number of participants reaches the maximum limit, even before the deadline.