

土曜課程 / Saturday Program


1.     日本語の語彙を増やして聞いたり、話したりする力を養います。
2.     行事を通して日本の文化に関心を持たせます。
3.     日本の礼儀を大切に学ばせます。
4.     きまりを守り、より良い人間関係を作ります。
5.     考えて行動する力を育てます。


  • 教材や教室内の日本語環境を整え、「聞く・話す」ことを中心に指導します。
  •  遊び、日本の歌、五感を意識した活動を通してさまざまな言葉を知り、楽しく日本語を学びます。 
  • 日本の行事に関する制作活動や集会を通して日本文化に親しみます。
  • 異年齢との活動を取り入れ、思いやりや協調性、自主を育てます。


  • 学校便り、お便り帳、連絡帳、授業参観、学校行事等を通して本校の教育方針や教育活動を理解していただけるように努めております。
  • 懇談会や個人面談等では、保護者の方とお子様について共通理解をはかり、日本語力の向上にむけて共に考えていきます。



  • 入園/入学/始業式
  • 保護者懇談会
  • こどもの日集会
  • 第一回漢字検定
  • 避難訓練
  • 授業参観
  • 特別授業
  • 全校運動会
  • 個人面談(小・中学生)
  • 親子懇談会
  • 終業式


  • 始業式
  • 校外学習(小・中学生)
  • 個人面談
  • 秋まつり
  • 七五三集会
  • 授業参観・公開授業
  • 親子懇談会
  • 避難訓練
  • 二学期終業式


  • 始業式/新年を迎える会
  • 餅つき大会
  • 一斉テスト(小・中学生)
  • 節分集会
  • 第二回漢字検定
  • 全校子ども学習発表会
  • ひなまつり集会
  • 親子懇談会
  • 避難訓練
  • 修了式/卒園式/卒業式

Saturday Program

The Lyceum Kennedy Japanese School offers Saturday classes for students from pre-school to high school.

Class Objectives:
1. To increase Japanese vocabulary and develop listening and speaking skills.
2. To develop an interest in Japanese culture through events.
3. To learn the importance of Japanese etiquette.
4. To build good relationships.
5. To develop the ability to think and act independently.

Focus of Instruction
-Develop listening and speaking skills through the employment of teaching materials and a Japanese language environment in the classroom.
-Facilitate the enjoyment of learning Japanese through play, songs, and activities that focus on stimulating the five senses.
-Familiarize students with Japanese culture through creative activities and projects related to Japanese events and traditions.
-Incorporate activities with children of different ages to encourage consideration, cooperation, and independence.

Our school provides a classroom environment which implements Japanese audio-visual materials for an effective Japanese language learning experience. At home, we ask for your cooperation in setting aside time every day for conversation in Japanese and working on homework together. In terms of discipline, it is important that both you and the school work in tandem to help your child develop into a willing and cooperative individual. If you have any questions about how to practice Japanese at home or concerns about your child's development and learning status, please feel free to contact us.

- We strive to provide you with an understanding of our educational policy and activities through class visits and school events, as well as our school newsletter, letter book, and contact book.
- We also hold informal gatherings and individual interviews with parents to share a common understanding about their children and to work together to improve their Japanese language skills.

Examples of supplementary class school events (face-to-face classes)

First semester (April - June)
- Entrance/enrollment/opening ceremony
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Children's Day Assembly
- First Kanji Proficiency Test
- Evacuation drill
- Classroom Observation
- Special class
- All-school Sports Day
- Individual interviews (elementary and junior high school students)
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Closing ceremony

Second semester (September - December)
- Opening ceremony
- Field trip (elementary and junior high school students)
- Individual interviews
- Autumn Festival
- Shichigosan assembly
- Class visits and open classes
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Evacuation Drill
- Second semester closing ceremony

Third semester (January - March)
- Opening ceremony / New Year's party
- Mochi-tsuki event
- Simultaneous testing (elementary and junior high school students)
- Setsubun Assembly
- The 2nd Kanji Proficiency Test
- School-wide Children's Study Presentation
- Girls' Festival Assembly
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Evacuation Drill
- Graduation ceremony
