
中学部 / Middle School

対象生徒は、募集要項 2024-2025をご覧ください。


1. 小学校で習得した国語の力を応用して、ものの見方を広め、考えを深めます。
2. 生徒自身が一人で、あるいは、友人と共に主体的に課題を解決していく力を育てます。





言 語 中学程度の漢字、文法、慣用句、ことわざを学習する。敬語の使い方を知る。プレゼンテーションなどを通して自分の考えをわかりやすく伝える。
読 解 さまざまな形式・ジャンルの文献に触れる。日本文学の名作(古典も含む)に数多く触れ、歴史的・地理的・社会的背景を踏まえて、理解を深める。興味を持ったものに関して自分で文献を探し出し、読み、且つ必要な情報を集める。
作 文 問題に対し、自分の考えを整理し、具体的な理由を挙げてまとめる。
復 習 小学校6年間の文法・漢字の復習をする。
一 般常 識 日本の歴史・地理・時事・文化を知る。日本とアメリカの関連性・類似点や相違点に気付く。
検定に挑む 漢字検定





Middle School

Application Guidelines 2024-2025

Class Instruction
1. Students will apply the Japanese language skills acquired in elementary school to broaden their perspectives and deepen their thinking.
2. Develop students' ability to solve problems on their own or with friends.

Focus of Instruction
Through reading, students will learn about people and their way of life and expand their knowledge.
Develop the ability to gather information, make choices, and be creative.
Develop the ability to apply information to different people and situations.

Class Hours
8:40 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Contact book, evaluation, home study
Same as Saturday Elementary School.

Japanese Language Instruction
Students learn Kanji, grammar, idioms, and proverbs of junior high school level. Students also learn how to use honorific expressions.

Students have reading exposure to literature in a variety of formats and genres and also exposed to many masterpieces of Japanese literature (including classics).  Deepen their understanding of historical, geographical, and social backgrounds. Find, read, and gather necessary information on topics of interest to them.

Writing Organize and summarize one's thoughts on a problem, citing specific reasons.

Review grammar and kanji of the sixth grade.

Challenge to take the Kanji test.


Mathematics Instructions
Middle school levels follows the textbook and teach basic mathematical concepts, mathematical expressions and processing, and understanding of mathematical terms in Japanese. There is no math course for 2nd and 3rd graders.

View the Application Procedures.